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Spiritual     Direction

     Believing that God is everywhere and always present, continually active in all of life, Spiritual Direction is the prayerful practice of being with people as they seek to grow and deepen their relationship with God, as together we attend to God’s voice and seek to recognize His presence.  Spiritual Direction asks the question: ‘Where is God and what is He doing in my world?’

     One  image that I love of Spiritual Direction comes from Luke 24 as two disciples are walking together with Jesus along the road, mutually listening to Him speak of God’s actions in the lives of people which leads to the moment they sense, “Were not our hearts burning within us while He was speaking to us on the road ... .” Spiritual Direction is two people walking together with Jesus, listening for His voice. ~ Richard H. Herman

Rev. Dr. Richard Herman

324 Centre Street

Moorestown NJ  08057




Where is God! and What is God Doing in MyWorld?

What is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual Direction, at times called Spiritual Companioning or "Soul-Friending" has been a recognized ministry of the Christian Church for centuries.  It aims to assist people in their lives  While seeking to promote wholeness, discovery and growth, it also recognizes and explores questions, doubts and barriers to faith.  Spiritual Direction seeks to enable people to respond to the presence of God in deeper and broader ways.


Spiritual Direction differs from counseling.  Whereas counseling deals primarily with a person's life problems and attempts to bring a healthy resolution, Spiritual Direction helps a person become more attuned to God's presence in order to respond more fully to His presence in all of life.

Where Does It Come From?

Spiritual Direction has biblical roots in both Old and New Testaments.  Seen in the ministries of Jesus and the apostles, it is present in such places as:


  • The child Samuel needs the priest Eli's help in responding to God's call (1 Samuel 3:1-10), a reminder of the role of seers and prophets in the Old Testament.

  • On the Emmaus Road the two disciples need help from the risen Christ to interpret what happened (Luke 23:14-25).

  • Timothy needs Paul's encouragement in his calling (2 Timothy 2:1-7).

Who Is It For?

Spiritual Direction is for every Christian or seeker who gives time and attention to prayer and reflection on a journey of faith.  It is for those who want to grow spiritually, those wanting to pull together the pieces of life and see God's fingerprints there, so discovering God's presence in the ordinary and extraordinary experiences of life.


Some seekers are ordained but most are not.  They are men and women, coming from all major Christian traditions, though some have no tradition at all.  Others have given up on institutional church but not on seeking God and living in the way of Jesus.

A Personal Invitation

Jesus said His purpose is that we might have real and eternal life, more and better life than we could ever dream of.


Spiritual Direction is a one-on-one relationship with the goal of discovering God's life-affirming desire for us by noticing what His Spirit does and says in our everyday lives.


Together we can explore your journey!

Dick Herman


Contact Dick Herman,

Spiritual Director

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Richard Herman Spiritual Direction, LLC

Rev. Dr. Richard H. Herman

324 Centre Street

Moorestown NJ  08057


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